... that they upset people.
Really, whenever I try to have a discussion about conspiracies, people tend to change the topic or to engage in shame tactics. "I don't believe in conspiracy theories and you are a fool for believing in them!"
However, one day, out of curiosity, I opened the dictionary.
The word "conspiracy" was there. So, if a word is in the dictionary, it happens to be there for a reason. And the reason is that it... happens.
Here is an example history can teach us: Roman Empire, 15th March, 44BC. Julius
Caesar is assassinated by his senators. His senators, "conspired"
against him and succeeded in overthrowing him.
But, you might say: "Oh, this happened 2000 years ago! People have changed!"
A more recent conspiracy event then: Today we have 21st April 2020. On the 21st April 1967, Greece, exactly 53 years ago, Papadopoulos and his officers conspired against the government, leading to a dictatorship that lasted for 7 years.
But, you might say: "Oh, this happened 2000 years ago! People have changed!"
A more recent conspiracy event then: Today we have 21st April 2020. On the 21st April 1967, Greece, exactly 53 years ago, Papadopoulos and his officers conspired against the government, leading to a dictatorship that lasted for 7 years.
And of course, let's not forget to mention a biblical conspirator, Judas...
Not, that Judas? I see... well, Judas Priest have been in the scene for so long that they should be named by now, Judas Pope. Or Judas Archiepiscopus, depending which Easter you celebrated, the Orthodox or Catholic... Or Protestant... or, whatever. By the way, I celebrated both the catholic and orthodox Easters and made them into... Feasters!
But, I guess I digress.
So, there are some ludicrous theories out there. Like, the Beatles never having existed or the Flat Earth theory. I flatly dismiss these theories. And here is my proof, I will prove that the Earth is not flat, by using flat Earth proof methodology:
Earth is not flat. Point proved! Wait, not? I need to prove first that the Beatles actually existed before I use that as a fact to prove that the Earth is not flat? Oh, okay. At least I tried...
Getting back on our topic. What were we talking about? Oh yes, conspiracies...
Ever notice how the word conspiracy, sounds like a con and a pirate? What, a fake pirate? So, people who dress pirates on Halloween are conspirators? Hmm...
Maybe they are, maybe they're not. The truth is though, that humans do conspire, and actually on more levels than the global scale. They conspire on a daily basis. We've all seen it one way or another.
At work. Your colleagues that were consistently passive-aggressive because they didn't like you and slandered you to other colleagues and the manager.
In family. Your siblings, or your parents that united against you when you wanted to do something they did not approve of.
In school. Your classmates that collectively bullied you because you were different than they were.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
I don't believe that the governments and media are only to blame for this. We are all responsible.
My opinion is that what happens on the big scale is a replication of the smaller scale. Reality is based on that.
We are our governments, and we prove it by choosing them. Not by casting our votes of course, but by casting our emotions and our beliefs that generate these emotions. When we are fearful and believe in disempowerment, we get tyrannies, when we are courageous and believe in self-empowerment, we lead ourselves to more equality and democratic governments.
So, instead of saying, "the biggest conspiracy the governments ever pulled was convincing the world there are no conspiracies," I would say:
The biggest conspiracy humanity pulled, was to convince itself there are no conspiracies.
...the Beatles actually exist.
Well, not today, but they existed Yesterday.
Flat Earth theory conspiracy debunked!
Well, not today, but they existed Yesterday.
Flat Earth theory conspiracy debunked!
P.S. 1. The reason I chose a parrot and not a human dressed as a pirate, is that people repeat everywhere what they hear in the news, without thinking too much.
P.S. 2. There are so many ways to disprove the Flat Earth theory that it looks like a new Pythagorean theorem! 😜😜
P.S. 2. There are so many ways to disprove the Flat Earth theory that it looks like a new Pythagorean theorem! 😜😜
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